Arquivo de Agosto, 2006

Every breath you take… I’ll be watching you

Posted in thoughts on Agosto 31, 2006 by Sergio Freire
I’m hearing Sting’s "Every breath you take" and  how nice and how well this applies.
Sometimes I wish I could do anything about it but I can’t. I wish I could change a lot of things in the whole world but I can’t just change a few around me.
Do people know that there are other ones who can help them? Do they need us even though they tell us otherwise?
Can and should we force anything? Well, that’s a good question… why? Because if you force you can be critized for that and if you don’t you can be also critized for that. So the answer is that there’s none.
When we cannot help we can just stay and watch the time passes through. And with time you might start losing faith.
Losing faith is like losing our religion – watch the link in the other post .
Leaving each day without nothing to fight for is like eating without tasting. Being happy but being not able to share it, it’s like being unhappy.
Most of the time, I know about it but I cannot do anything about. I can just hear your breath… and watch for you. Even though we both know that you’re being hurt, we don’t speak.
Can you help me God or can I help you? Whose pain is the worst? The one who left or the one who awaits?

About R.E.M.: Losing My Religion

Posted in Música on Agosto 30, 2006 by Sergio Freire

One of my favourite songs. What else can I say?

Checkout the video for free.


R.E.M.: Losing My Religion
Literally hit and myth

Courtesy of IFILM

back to work, “fin de plage”

Posted in Uncategorized on Agosto 15, 2006 by Sergio Freire
Vacations are over, at least for now while the weather brings rain instead of sun…
Time to go back to work and do some other stuff like publishing a java port for the gp2x console.
This second half of the year is going to be hard, very hard indeed. Lots of work, long trips, classes… I see no time to myself and that is bad.
Lets get started and see what comes up!

OpenSSH ported for GP2x console!

Posted in gp2x on Agosto 12, 2006 by Sergio Freire
Finally, the public release of GP2xOpenSSH (my name for the ported version of OpenSSH)!
I hope everything is OK but if not please report it ASAP so I can release a new updated version.
Installing is easy, see the readme.txt that comes in the zip file. Just extract it to the root folder of your SD card and run install_run_me_just_once.gpu.
To use GP2xOpenSSH please login as root, no password is necessary. Have fun!
Download it at,0,0,0,1,1741.


making public software – how hard is it?

Posted in Computers and Internet on Agosto 10, 2006 by Sergio Freire
I’ve been occupied in my holidays trying to release some software for a game console which is the gp2x ( I haven’t made something like this for years, some years.
One of my oldie programs that I released some years ago was an old MSDOS text editor. It allowed you to edit files, memory and the hard/floppy drive. I never finished some of its features since it was made in the Pascal language and it was hard to do some stuff like accessing memory, etc..
Its interesting that when we go back some years and want to find something that we did… we don’t search our HD, we use google And Fedit like many other stuff I released for the demoscene can now only be found using a search engine… for example, I only found Fedit after some searches in this site:
It must be somewhere else but at least on my PCs its lost forever.. damaged floppies, upgraded PCs that don’t boot, everything contributes to the loose of information.
But I started writing because I wanted to say that organizing something to release to the public its not easy as we might think. I realized this again in the last days… there’s allways something else that you need to add, to describe, etc… there’s a script missing here, there, something that you must explain and that you forgot to mention. There are many things before a public release if we want it to be of some use to others.
At some place in time we must say: "ok, now it’s the time to release it". And then, when you do that, a few minutes after you’ll realize that you forgot some important detail but hey, that’s life!


I’m back

Posted in Uncategorized on Agosto 7, 2006 by Sergio Freire
Well, here I am again. This time in English although my last entries in another blog I had were all in Portuguese but its hard to mantain two blogs, in two languages and that kind of stuff.
I’ll do some effort to leave here some posts about me, my friends, my projects and that kind of trash nothing too personal but neither too informal.
The last weeks, months, years, centuries 🙂 have been somehow turbulent in many ways and that has kept me somehow from doing some stuff, simple thinks like organizing myself… lets see what the future brings.


my new linux based toy – gp2x

Posted in gp2x on Agosto 7, 2006 by Sergio Freire
Well, I bought a gp2x few weeks ago ( and now its my toy most of the days. I was considering buying a linux based dev kit, something like a board with some flash, and then this appeared. Its great, almost. First, its great because I can play with it. When I say "play" I mean do all kinds of stuff I like and sometimes I usually do with my linux based PCs. Compile new programs, do all kind of things, mess it up…
The only thing that makes me say its "almost great" its because I was expecting more of its hardware, its connectivity and its accessories. But Im doing my best to expand it.
Im a bit tired right now but in the next days Ill post more on this adventure, on the console itself, etc, etc…
Im tired, its a been a long day doing nothing.
Just a few basic links if you’re interested: 

more to come..